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contact: admin@sport12x.com

We offer cooperation (mathematics, databases, technology) in the field of bookmaking software development
TeoHockey ua extra liga2024-03-18 17:22
Hi, I did my compute for Kremenchuk Kherson tonight I found Kremenchuk winner. best regards.
MathOddsTennis2024-01-30 20:34
Are you use binomial distribution for tennis? Best wishes!
SexMobCalculating the correct wager amounts in a bet havAdmin2023-06-07 17:16
I've been working in a spreadsheet, inputing the formulas which give a result not desired or intended. I do wonder if the math side of things is correct. That being said, here's the relevant data, & the formulas applied are further below. LEGEND A1 ....... balance (bal), or oustanding debt carried over A4 ....... base unit (bu) B1-B4 .... multiplier (mul), whatever B value is, minus 1 C1-C4 .... correct result (CR).. for the formulas once done D1-D4 .... value aimed at .. CR for D1,
Edward Football odds calculator Admin 2023-05-04 19:35
Pls admin what's the meaning of this GC:023 under goals 1 thank you
Boki2022-09-19 22:57
I want to ask you about the football match calculator, can the calculator predict the double chance game and how to show or start the option on your calculator to see the prediction result final match score and first half score and second half score and Extra time and Minutes Played and Match Status?
AbelOdds conversion to goalsMembers2022-04-30 22:45
Kindly,can someone guide me on how to convert odds to goals
AbelOdds conversion to goalsAdmin2022-04-28 06:35
How are odds converted to goals,admin kindly help
AdminOdds for basketball2021-12-11 09:26
Odds calculation for basketball will appear on the website soon
BookmakerBasketball in-play algo2021-12-10 22:43
Do you offer consulting in simulating basketball games play by play?
harrytradeing football2021-12-07 18:15
i want to trde the football markets
DostyCorrect score Admin@sport1x2.com2021-12-03 13:38
Please how can I use the mathematics data to predict correct score
LucasGoal calculate by odds2021-11-05 01:17
Hello,  Can you help me figure out how to estimate the number of goals for the home and away team just from the odds of the games?
Roman2021-10-25 21:56
Здравствуйте а можете объяснить что это обозначает в статистике баскетбола E=207,44,Дисперсия V=468,65 SD =21,65, E/V =0.44, Min =134, Max =317
Kimberly PassmoreCustom Jobs2021-09-30 20:47
Hello, My name is Johan, I am a PHP programmer that specializes in data driven web applications. Anything related to PHP, MySQL, Data scraping etc. If you have any custom jobs you can add me on skype to discuss your requirements. Skype: cmsdevelopers Regards, Johan
Peter UissoCorrect score2021-09-29 19:49
I'm asking how to use mathematics data to predict matches correct score
BharatOdd manager2021-08-21 10:44
What is the Odds Manager cost and where it can be downloaded after paying the price?
SajinHockey statistics2021-08-16 22:32
Looking for a good site with hockey statistics of previous seasons,results and standings after each round or week
AdminLine Manager/Odds ManagerМадияр2021-06-02 10:06
Unfortunately, this project is not currently supported
AlexOdds Manager2021-04-21 12:02
What is the Odds Manager cost and where it can be downloaded after paying the price?
Pedro HenriqueMathematics2021-04-11 20:09
How to calculate the odds of the total goals of the team 1
SovaBettingBetting software developmentAdmin2020-08-21 10:39
Thank you Oleksandr for your answer, to go touch with us use this mail info@sovasolutions.eu , where we can discus on potetintial cooperation, I'm looking forward to it . Best regards.
Adminbetting software developmentSovaBetting2020-08-19 23:48
Yes, I could be involved in our betting software development - I have a lot of experience. Where are you? Best regrds, Oleksandr (admin)
SovaBettingAdmin2020-08-16 17:20
We develop, betting software, and we need mathematics help with creating other odds from main odds for event. If your intersting in cooperet I would like your mail to go in touch with you. Best regards!
TaosphanasOdd Calc2020-07-06 18:57
i understood how to convert 1x2 to asian handicap, its take a long time. Please explain for me, with 1x2 odds we create goal 1 and goal 2 first or create goal sum and goal differrent first?
AdminCooperationSovaBetting2020-07-03 16:33
Do you have any specific suggestion?
SovaBettingcooperete2020-06-20 17:52
Dear sir, We would like cooperet with you (using your mathematics probabilty to create beeting odds) in the our bookmaking sofware. If you are interesting in cooperet, we would like to go in touch with you.
EdoTennis odd calculatoradmin2019-09-19 14:12
Hi, Please check the email I have sent you to admin@sport12x.com regarding that ;)
GitikaTennis Odds CalculatorAdmin2019-07-25 11:32
Can you please explain how tennis odds can be calculated from your tennis odds calc? What is coef there and what else we need to insert in order to get the odds?
Taosphanas2019-07-02 05:04
Hello admin. How to convert 1x2 odd to goal for team 1 and team 2, i tried many ways but it is not success

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