To the Heroes Glory!

Football. Lithuania. A Lyga 2024

Tournament table on 04-24-2024

   stats iconHead-to-head
1.Zalgiris Vilnius1081124-92.4-0.9  1.525 W  W  W  W  W 
2.Hegelmann Litauen1053218-131.8-1.3  0.518 W  D  W  L  D 
3.Dziugas Telsiai94327-70.8-0.8  0.015 L  W  L  D  W 
4.Banga Gargzdai1035211-111.1-1.1  0.014 W  D  W  D  D 
5.Zalgiris Kaunas1041511-121.1-1.2 -0.113 L  W  W  W  L 
6.Suduva Marijampole103348-80.8-0.8  0.012 W  L  L  D  W 
7.Dainava Alytus103346-90.6-0.9 -0.312 L  L  L  W  D 
8.FK Siauliai102447-110.7-1.1 -0.410 L  W  L  D  L 
9.FK Panevezys91446-100.7-1.1 -0.47 D  L  D  W  L 
10.Transinvest Vilnus102177-150.7-1.5 -0.87 L  D  L  L  L 

To view the results of a team, click on its name.

By selecting the necessary links, you can get statistical tables of teams matches at home and away, a unique summary table for two seasons, information about head-to-head matches of selected teams, goals distribution graphs and maths(some data is only in "landscape" screen mode)

••• Average for match in full time (FT).

  1      : to Champions League
  2 -  4 : to Europa/Conference League
  9      : to lower League (relegation matches)
 10      : to lower League

A Lyga is the main (strongest) football (soccer) tournament/championship in Lithuania.

Tournament statistics

Matches playedHome team winsAway team winsDraws  
Football. Lithuania. A Lyga: Match results - wins, draws and losses
Goals (per match)
TotalHome teamAway teamDiffe­rence  
Football. Lithuania. A Lyga: Goals - home-away
TotalHalf 1Half 2   
Football. Lithuania. A Lyga: Goals - scored by periods
Over / Under
55.1%  /  44.9%40.8%  /  59.2%20.4%  /  79.6%

Statistics of the tournament was calculated according to the results of matches (in full time) for the period 03-01-2024 - 04-24-2024

Statistics of goals in graphs and Mathematics

Football. Lithuania. A Lyga: Match total and Poisson distribution

Quantity of matches (sample size): 1023, period of time: 03-03-2017 - 04-24-2024

Football. Lithuania. A Lyga: 
stats iconStatistics and Mathematics (expanded) 

Match results and fixtures, forecasts

 04-28 2024Suduva MarijampoleZalgiris Vilnius 
 Banga GargzdaiFK Siauliai 
 Hegelmann LitauenZalgiris Kaunas 
 04-27 2024Dziugas TelsiaiTransinvest Vilnus 
 04-24 2024Zalgiris VilniusDainava Alytus4:0 (2:0,  2:0)
 1.72  3.64  5.11  5.0%
55.4% 26.1% 18.6%      
 Zalgiris KaunasBanga Gargzdai0:3 (0:2,  0:1)
 1.66  3.86  5.24  5.0%
57.3% 24.6% 18.1%      
 Transinvest VilnusHegelmann Litauen1:2 (0:0,  1:2)
 3.15  3.79  2.12  5.0%
30.2% 25.1% 44.7%      
 04-23 2024FK SiauliaiSuduva Marijampole0:1 (0:0,  0:1)
 2.16  3.10  3.73  5.0%
43.9% 30.7% 25.4%      
 04-21 2024Zalgiris VilniusDziugas Telsiai3:1 (0:1,  3:0)
 1.71  3.63  5.23  5.0%
55.7% 26.2% 18.2%      
 Hegelmann LitauenBanga Gargzdai2:2 (1:1,  1:1)
 1.92  3.45  4.11  5.0%
49.4% 27.5% 23.1%      
 FK PanevezysTransinvest Vilnus1:1 (1:0,  0:1)
 1.77  3.52  4.95  5.0%
53.8% 27.0% 19.2%      
 04-20 2024FK SiauliaiDainava Alytus1:0 (0:0,  1:0)
 2.32  2.74  3.90  5.0%
41.0% 34.7% 24.3%      
 Zalgiris KaunasSuduva Marijampole2:1 (1:1,  1:0)
 1.73  3.86  4.65  5.0%
54.9% 24.6% 20.4%      
 04-14 2024Zalgiris KaunasDainava Alytus1:0 (0:0,  1:0)
 FK PanevezysZalgiris Vilnius1:2 (0:0,  1:2)
 Dziugas TelsiaiFK Siauliai2:1 (0:0,  2:1)
 04-13 2024Suduva MarijampoleHegelmann Litauen0:1 (0:1,  0:0)
 Transinvest VilnusBanga Gargzdai0:1 (0:1,  0:0)
 04-10 2024Zalgiris VilniusTransinvest Vilnus2:0 (1:0,  1:0)
 Zalgiris KaunasDziugas Telsiai3:0 (0:0,  3:0)
 Banga GargzdaiSuduva Marijampole0:0 (0:0,  0:0)
 FK SiauliaiFK Panevezys1:1 (0:1,  1:0)
 04-09 2024Hegelmann LitauenDainava Alytus0:1 (0:0,  0:1)
 04-07 2024Zalgiris KaunasFK Panevezys0:1 (0:1,  0:0)
 Zalgiris VilniusFK Siauliai3:0 (1:0,  2:0)
 Transinvest VilnusSuduva Marijampole0:2 (0:0,  0:2)
 04-06 2024Dainava AlytusBanga Gargzdai2:2 (1:0,  1:2)
 Dziugas TelsiaiHegelmann Litauen0:0 (0:0,  0:0)

The original match result forecasts (1-X-2) from Sport12x are presented in the table.
Match forecasts (win-draw-loss) from Sport12x are created automatically and exclusively based on the statistics of the team's match results.
To get an advanced forecast of football match results yourself, we suggest using the Calculator for football page.

You are viewing the page Sports statistics - Football. Lithuania. A Lyga (current season). To view information about the former tournaments, specify or select the season you want.
To simulate the passing of a sports game and forecast football game results, using the methods and means of probability theory and mathematical statistics, see the relevant pages of the site.
The Sport12x website offers statistical information (tournament tables, match results, charts, goals distribution graphs) and, partly, live results, a calendar of competition (fixtures) and forecasts for all the strongest and most important football tournaments (leagues, championships, cups).

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