To the Heroes Glory!
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Mathematical statistics of points - Basketball. USA. NBA (FT)

Graphs of sample (in blue) and basic random variables (probability density)

Quantity of matches (sample size) : 13186, period of time : 04-27-2014 - 04-27-2024

Match total

Average per match E = 215.94, variance V = 449.44, SD = 21.20, E/V = 0.48, Min = 134, Max = 317
P1 = 54.0%, draw = 5.5%, P2 = 40.5%, total 0 = 0.0%, over 2.5 = 100.0%, under 2.5 = 0.0%
Basic random variable ~ Normal (Gauss) distribution: N(E, V)

USA. NBA: Gaus (Normal) and Total PDF
USA. NBA: Gaus (Normal) and Total CDF

Home team points

Average per match E = 109.13, variance V = 163.14, SD = 12.77, E/V = 0.67, Min = 59, Max = 158
Basic random variable ~ Normal (Gauss) distribution: N(E, V)

USA. NBA: Gaus (Normal) and Total 1 PDF

Away team points

Average per match E = 106.81, variance V = 163.96, SD = 12.80, E/V = 0.65, Min = 66, Max = 159
Basic random variable ~ Normal (Gauss) distribution: N(E, V)

USA. NBA: Gaus (Normal) and Total 2 PDF

Points difference

Average per match E = 2.32, variance V = 204.77, SD = 14.31, E/V = 0.01, Min = -68, Max = 73
Basic random variable ~ Normal (Gauss) distribution: N(E, V)

USA. NBA: Gaus (Normal) and Difference PDF
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