To the Heroes Glory!

Handball. Spain. Liga ASOBAL 2018-2019

Tournament table on 05-25-2019

   stats iconHead-to-head
1.Barcelona Handball3029101148-73538.3-24.5  13.859
2.Bidasoa Irun302136792-70726.4-23.6  2.845
3.La Rioja Logrono301866895-81629.8-27.2  2.642
4.Ademar Leon3017310819-75327.3-25.1  2.237
5.BM Granollers3017310814-76327.1-25.4  1.737
6.Valladolid3015312869-85929.0-28.6  0.333
7.Encantada Cuenca3014511813-81327.1-27.1  0.033
8.BM Huesca3014511770-80125.7-26.7 -1.033
9.Benidorm3013413796-82126.5-27.4 -0.830
10.Anaitasuna Pamplona3011316805-82926.8-27.6 -0.825
11.Sinfin3010416783-86026.1-28.7 -2.624
12.Guadalajara3010317821-85127.4-28.4 -1.023
13.Puente Genil308319758-84425.3-28.1 -2.919
14.Morrazo Cangas307419717-81123.9-27.0 -3.118
15.Teucro Pontevedra305322792-94226.4-31.4 -5.013
16.Alcobendas304125733-92024.4-30.7 -6.29

To view the results of a team, click on its name.

By selecting the necessary links, you can get statistical tables of teams matches at home and away, a unique summary table for two seasons, information about head-to-head matches of selected teams, goals distribution graphs and maths(some data is only in "landscape" screen mode)

••• Average for match in full time (FT).

  1 -  3 : to Champions League
 15 - 16 : to lower League

Liga ASOBAL is the main (strongest) handball tournament/championship in Spain.

Tournament statistics

Matches playedHome team winsAway team winsDraws
Handball. Spain. Liga ASOBAL: Match results - wins, draws and losses
Goals (per match)
TotalHome teamAway teamDiffe­rence
Handball. Spain. Liga ASOBAL: Goals - home-away
TotalHalf 1Half 2 
Handball. Spain. Liga ASOBAL: Goals - scored by periods

Statistics of the tournament was calculated according to the results of matches (in full time) for the period 09-07-2018 - 05-25-2019

Results of tournament matches

 05-25 2019Ademar LeonGuadalajara28:21 (15:13,  13:8)
 AlcobendasValladolid27:38 (13:20,  14:18)
 Bidasoa IrunEncantada Cuenca27:21 (13:11,  14:10)
 BM GranollersSinfin36:29 (21:16,  15:13)
 BM HuescaBarcelona Handball27:47 (14:22,  13:25)
 Puente GenilMorrazo Cangas28:25 (16:14,  12:11)
 Teucro PontevedraBenidorm29:33 (13:18,  16:15)
 05-24 2019Anaitasuna PamplonaLa Rioja Logrono37:38 (23:22,  14:16)
 05-18 2019ValladolidBM Huesca32:22 (14:11,  18:11)
 Morrazo CangasTeucro Pontevedra25:24 (12:11,  13:13)
 Barcelona HandballPuente Genil42:24 (24:12,  18:12)
 BenidormBM Granollers27:24 (13:14,  14:10)
 Encantada CuencaAlcobendas23:26 (11:13,  12:13)
 GuadalajaraAnaitasuna Pamplona27:24 (12:13,  15:11)
 La Rioja LogronoBidasoa Irun26:28 (15:12,  11:16)
 SinfinAdemar Leon30:28 (12:11,  18:17)
 05-11 2019BM HuescaEncantada Cuenca26:23 (10:9,  16:14)
 AlcobendasBidasoa Irun23:28 (14:15,  9:13)
 Anaitasuna PamplonaSinfin28:27 (14:11,  14:16)
 Puente GenilValladolid25:28 (12:16,  13:12)
 BM GranollersMorrazo Cangas26:23 (14:14,  12:9)
 La Rioja LogronoGuadalajara33:26 (15:12,  18:14)
 05-10 2019Ademar LeonBenidorm29:25 (14:14,  15:11)
 Teucro PontevedraBarcelona Handball21:35 (9:15,  12:20)
 05-08 2019Barcelona HandballBM Granollers38:27 (21:15,  17:12)
 05-05 2019Bidasoa IrunGuadalajara25:25 (12:13,  13:12)
 05-04 2019ValladolidTeucro Pontevedra38:26 (19:12,  19:14)
 Encantada CuencaPuente Genil36:29 (20:12,  16:17)
 AlcobendasBM Huesca27:29 (15:15,  12:14)
 SinfinLa Rioja Logrono27:31 (14:16,  13:15)
 Morrazo CangasAdemar Leon27:27 (15:15,  12:12)
 BenidormAnaitasuna Pamplona29:29 (14:13,  15:16)
 04-28 2019BM HuescaBidasoa Irun19:34 (8:16,  11:18)
 04-27 2019Teucro PontevedraEncantada Cuenca32:30 (14:10,  18:20)
 GuadalajaraSinfin28:27 (14:13,  14:14)
 Puente GenilAlcobendas28:27 (16:12,  12:15)
 La Rioja LogronoBenidorm29:26
 04-26 2019Anaitasuna PamplonaMorrazo Cangas26:24 (12:8,  14:16)
 BM GranollersValladolid28:28 (17:14,  11:14)
 Ademar LeonBarcelona Handball30:32 (13:16,  17:16)

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