To the Heroes Glory!

Football. Georgia. Erovnuli Liga 2024

Tournament table on 04-27-2024

stats iconHead-to-head
1.Iberia 19991182125-142.3-1.3  1.026 D  W  W  W  W 
2.Dila Gori1173117-61.5-0.5  1.024 D  W  W  D  W 
3.Dynamo Batumi1172216-101.5-0.9  0.523 L  D  W  D  W 
4.Torpedo Kutaisi1153319-141.7-1.3  0.518 D  D  D  W  W 
5.Kolheti Poti1134415-151.4-1.4  0.013 W  D  L  D  L 
6.Dynamo Tbilisi113449-130.8-1.2 -0.413 D  L  W  D  L 
7.FC Telavi113269-120.8-1.1 -0.311 D  L  D  W  L 
8.Samgurali Tskhaltubo1123610-160.9-1.5 -0.59 D  W  L  L  W 
9.FC Samtredia1114610-210.9-1.9 -1.07 L  D  L  L  L 
10.Gagra Tbilisi112187-160.6-1.5 -0.87 W  L  L  L  L 

To view the results of a team, click on its name.

By selecting the necessary links, you can get statistical tables of teams matches at home and away, a unique summary table for two seasons, information about head-to-head matches of selected teams, goals distribution graphs and maths(some data is only in "landscape" screen mode)

••• Average for match in full time (FT).

  1      : to Champions League
  2 -  3 : to Europa/Conference League
  8 -  9 : to lower League (relegation matches)
 10      : to lower League

Erovnuli Liga (alternative/former name: Umaglesi Liga) is the main (strongest) football (soccer) tournament/championship in Georgia.

Iberia 1999: Match results

11.04-27 2024Iberia 1999Torpedo Kutaisi3:3 (2:1,  1:2)
10.04-19 2024FC TelaviIberia 19990:3 (0:1,  0:2)
9.04-15 2024Samgurali TskhaltuboIberia 19992:3 (2:1,  0:2)
8.04-11 2024Iberia 1999Gagra Tbilisi3:1 (2:1,  1:0)
7.04-06 2024Kolheti PotiIberia 19991:2 (0:1,  1:1)
6.04-02 2024Iberia 1999Dynamo Batumi3:0 (2:0,  1:0)
5.03-29 2024Dila GoriIberia 19993:1 (1:1,  2:0)
4.03-15 2024Iberia 1999Dynamo Tbilisi1:0 (1:0,  0:0)
3.03-10 2024Iberia 1999FC Samtredia2:2 (1:1,  1:1)
2.03-06 2024Torpedo KutaisiIberia 19992:3 (0:1,  2:2)
1.03-02 2024Iberia 1999FC Telavi1:0 (1:0,  0:0)

IBERIA 1999: ATTACK AND DEFENSEattack: 1.7defense: 1.4 11:202403021:2024042712
WINS (%) ON THE TIMELINEWINS (MC: 19): 50.5%• Home matches° Away matches 11:202403021:202404270.250.50.7501

Iberia 1999: Match statistics

Iberia 1999 1072124-142.4-1.4  1.0
Home H532012-62.4-1.2  1.2
Away A540112-82.4-1.6  0.8

••• Average for match in full time (FT).

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