To the Heroes Glory!

Football. Canada. Championship 2024

Tournament table on 04-24-2024

stats iconHead-to-head
1.Toronto FC11005-05.0-0.0  5.03 W 
2.Cavalry Calgary11001-01.0-0.0  1.03 W 
3.Vancouver FC10010-10.0-1.0 -1.00 L 
4.Simcoe County Rovers10010-50.0-5.0 -5.00 L 

To view the results of a team, click on its name.

By selecting the necessary links, you can get statistical tables of teams matches at home and away, a unique summary table for two seasons, information about head-to-head matches of selected teams, goals distribution graphs and maths(some data is only in "landscape" screen mode)

••• Average for match in full time (FT).

Toronto FC: Match results

1.04-24 2024Toronto FCSimcoe County Rovers5:0 (4:0,  1:0)

TORONTO FC: ATTACK AND DEFENSEattack: 1.4defense: 1.3 9:202109221:2024042412
WINS (%) ON THE TIMELINEWINS (MC: 19): 41.9%• Home matches° Away matches 9:202109221:202404240.250.50.7501

Toronto FC: Match statistics

Toronto FC 11005-05.0-0.0  5.0
Home H11005-05.0-0.0  5.0
Away A00000-00.0-0.0  0.0

••• Average for match in full time (FT).

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17:34:00 UTC